+30 211416 0750

Welcome to sepia-collection.com

Our Company takes seriously into account the protection of the privacy of its customers. For this reason, we strictly follow the following protection policy, which ensures the high level of services offered and strictly adheres to the current legislative framework.

 By visiting our Website you become aware of and accept the data protection policy that follows.

This Data Protection Policy applies only to the Website sepia-collection.com Users must take into account that our Website may contain links to other websites, however our Company is not responsible for the practices and terms of data protection or the content of such websites.


For the purposes hereof, the following definitions shall apply:

1.1. “Cookie” – short text of software code, sent for storage by the Company’s web server to the User’s PC at each entry of the latter on the Website, in order to selectively record the user’s browsing history within the sepia-collection.com It is necessary as a mechanism for the technical execution of the service of the “bag” of orders.

1.2. “Recipient” – any natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body, to which personal data are disclosed, whether it is a third party or not.

1.3. “GDPR” – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

sepia-collection.com including all of its websites.

1.4. “Processing” – Any operation or set of operations carried out with or without the assistance of automated methods and applied to personal data, such as collection, recording, organisation, retention or storage, modification, extraction, use, transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, interconnection, blocking (blocking);  the deletion, the destruction.

1.5. “Business” – Our Company under the name KARAMPINA ALEXANDRA and distinctive title “SEPIA COLLECTION ” based in DIMITROS 4

1.6. “Business User” – the business that makes use of the services of the Website www.sepia-collection.com

1.7. “Website” – the website accessible through the domain name

1.8. “Profiling” – any form of automated processing of personal data to evaluate personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular the analysis or anticipation of aspects relating to performance at work, financial situation, health, personal preferences or interests, reliability or behaviour, location or movements of the data subject.

1.9. “Personal Data” – any information referring to online user(s) of the Website www.sepia-collection.com

1.10. “Consent” – any indication of willingness, free, specific, explicit and in full knowledge, by which the data subject indicates that he or she agrees, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her.

1.11. “User” – the online user of the Website sepia-collection.com, to whom the data refer and whose identity is known or can be verified, that is, it can be determined directly or indirectly.


2.1. This policy sets out the terms and conditions, which are observed by our Company, for the protection of the privacy of the users of the sepia-collection.com. This policy includes the rules under which we carry out any collection and processing of your personal data and ensure that the confidentiality of this information is respected.

2.2. Our Company reserves the right to modify and update this policy, whenever it deems it necessary, while any changes are effective from the public appearance of these on the website of the sepia-collection.com

2.3. In the event that any of these terms is considered invalid, illegal or abusive for any reason, the other terms shall remain valid and enforceable as they are to the extent that they do not conflict with the will expressed through this policy.


We fully respect your fundamental rights and make the protection of your privacy a priority of our Company. In this context, when processing your personal data, we follow the following basic principles:

3.1. We subject your personal data to lawful and fair processing and we maintain towards you full transparency in relation to the way in which we manage your personal data.

3.2. We collect and process your data only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, as set out in this policy, and we do not further process it in a manner incompatible with these purposes.

3.3. We process your personal data only to the extent that it is appropriate and relevant to the above purposes, while limiting the relevant processing to the extent necessary for these purposes.

3.4. We make reasonable efforts and with your assistance, so that your data under processing is accurate and, when necessary, updated in relation to the purposes of the processing, taking all reasonable steps to immediately delete or correct it in case of inaccuracy.

3.5. We retain your personal data in a form that allows your identification only for the period required for the above processing purposes.

3.6. We process your personal data in a way that guarantees its security by using appropriate technical or organizational measures.

3.7. We do not intend to further process your personal data for a purpose other than the one for which it was collected.

3.8. We inform you that there is no obligation for you to provide your personal data and there are no possible consequences of not providing them.

Furthermore, we inform you that your personal data will not be used for automated decision-making, including profiling.

3.9. Without prejudice to what is stated in this policy, we do not disclose or transmit your personal data to third parties without your consent, unless this is permitted by law or by the contract between us.

3.10. We inform you that we do not transfer your personal data to a third country or international organization, for which there is no adequacy decision of the European Commission in accordance with the GDPR.

3.11. In general, we fully comply with the applicable legislation and comply with all our obligations arising from it, as the legal controller of your personal data.


4.1. The types of personal data we collect and process from you depend on the services you choose to provide to you. Thus, when (a) entering and using the Website, (b) subscribing to the newsletter service, (c) creating a personal account and (d) providing services, you provide our Company with the following types of personal data.

4.2. When navigating our Website you provide the following data:

IP Address.

Navigation data within the Website.

Service preference information.

Data on executed transactions.

User-generated content.

4.3. When subscribing to the newsletter service, you provide us with the following data:

E-mail address.

4.4. When creating a personal account you provide us with the following data:

Nickname (username).


E-mail address.



VAT number and tax office.


4.5. In addition, in the event that any user communicates with us by e-mail or by other means, we collect and process personal data related to such communications, under the terms and conditions hereof, in order to meet the relevant requirements and requests and to improve our services offered.

that is, by the method of transferring the user from the website sepia-collection.com to a website under the responsibility of the banking company in question.

4.7. Our Company does not collect or gain access in any way to special categories (“sensitive”) of personal data or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses of its users – customers. 

 You have the obligation to refrain from posting such data concerning you or third party data subjects. In the event that you post such data on our Website, it will be removed as soon as it comes to our attention. We do not bear any responsibility to you or to third parties for any posting and / or processing of sensitive data, due to your acts or omissions in violation of the above obligation.


5.1. Your personal data, which are necessary for the navigation and use of our Website in accordance with Article 6 § 1 (b) of the GDPR, are collected and processed by our Company for the following purposes:

Technical capability for the smooth operation of our Website.

User-friendly and easy operation of our Website.

Improving your online experience when navigating and using our Website.

Recording of consumer habits through the use of anonymous statistical data.

Sending informative e-mails to the subscribers of the information service through e-mails (newsletter).

5.2. Your personal data, which are necessary for the provision of our services in the context of a contractual relationship between us in accordance with Article 6 § 1 (b) of the GDPR, are collected and processed by our Company for the following purposes:

Performance of the contractual obligations of our Company towards the ordinary and Business Users of our Website.

Immediate, adequate and effective provision of our services.

Tax use and use for invoicing purposes and proof of the provision of the ordered services.

Communication with our customers in the context of the proper performance of our services as well as for the resolution of any complaints.

Improving and renewing our products and services to meet as much as possible the needs of our customers.

Administrative organization and operation of our Company.

Management of our clientele.[…].Legal claims support.

5.3. Our Company collects and processes personal data of its users – customers solely for the aforementioned purposes and only to the extent strictly necessary to effectively serve these purposes. These data are always relevant, appropriate and no more than what is required in view of the above purposes, and are accurate and, if necessary, updated.

Furthermore, these data are retained only during the period, required, for the realization of the purposes of their collection and processing and are deleted after the end of it.


6.1. Our Company may process personal data only with the legal consent of the users of the Website for the following purposes:

For the purposes of commercial communication, marketing and advertising of our services or third party services via SMS, telephone, e-mail, internet, fax, mail, social media and/ or any other appropriate communication channels.

For research and/or analysis purposes to better understand your needs, preferences, interests, experiences and/or habits as a consumer.

To operate and manage any loyalty programs.

6.2. You provide us with your consent to the processing of your personal data for the above purposes by means of an electronic statement in a manner clearly distinguishable from other matters, in an understandable and easily accessible form. Your consent is freely given and your personal data is provided, without such provision being your legal or contractual obligation or a requirement of our company for the conclusion of a contract between us.

6.3. In this context, by completing the relevant field online, you expressly declare to us that you wish and that you provide your consent for the above purposes in accordance with the terms and conditions of this policy. You provide your above consent in the following ways:

When you subscribe to the newsletter service.

When creating your personal or business account.

When ordering services as well as when drawing up contracts through our Website.

6.4. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The withdrawal of your consent is done similarly to the provision of it.


7.1. Our Company does not provide your personal data or link its file for financial or other consideration with any third private companies, natural or legal persons, public authorities or services or other organizations.

7.2. In order to serve the processing purposes mentioned in this policy, our Company may provide access to or transmit the following types of your personal data to the following processors on its behalf and at its behest:

Your financial data to the credit institution, with which we cooperate each time for the processing of payments to and from your bank and credit card accounts, in order to pay your monetary debts to our Company

Your personal data to the web hosting service provider, with whom we maintain a contractual relationship, for the purpose of hosting them on the Website www.sepia-collection.com.

Your personal data to the company, which provides us with maintenance and support services of software programs and databases, in order to support the Website https://sepia-collection.com

Preference data and contact details to third-party marketing and advertising businesses for the commercial communication, marketing and advertising of our services or third-party services.

Your personal data to third-party consulting firms to provide data analysis services.

Your financial and contact details to debtors’ information companies, in case of your overdue debts to our Company after your prior information.

Your personal data to auditors, accountants, financial or professional advisors as well as investors in the context of a transfer of part or all, merger, spin-off of a branch or other universal succession, liquidation, bankruptcy or submission to another procedure of the bankruptcy code of our business.

7.3. The processing of your personal data by the above bodies cooperating with us is carried out under our control and only at our behest and is subject to the same data protection policy or a policy of at least the same level of protection.

7.4. If he is obliged by a court or other administrative authority and in any other case he has a legal obligation to do so, 

our Company may provide your personal data to the extent provided by law, but after informing you.

7.5. You acknowledge and authorize our Company to provide by order and on your behalf your contact details, and in particular your name, address, e-mail address, address and mobile and / or landline phone number ,(or some of them) as well as any other personal data requested by you to any professional or business, which you have requested / accepted to provide you with the service chosen by you. Our Company expects and asks professionals to respect your Personal Data, to use it only in the context of the purposes of the operation of our Website and not to disclose it to third parties. Nevertheless, you acknowledge and accept unreservedly that our Company cannot supervise such professionals or businesses in terms of complying with the above commitments, that you assume the relevant risk and that our Company bears no responsibility whatsoever, nor does it owe any kind of compensation in the event that a professional who has gained access to your Personal Data, use them for purposes other than providing its services to you or if it discloses them to third parties without your permission.


8.1. Our Company, in order to ensure the proper use and integrity of your personal data as well as to prevent unauthorized or accidental access, processing, deletion, alteration or other use thereof, implements appropriate internal policies, while taking all appropriate organizational, technical, physical, electronic and procedural security measures, as well as technological standards, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

8.2. The data processing process by our Company is carried out in a way that ensures their confidentiality and physical and logical security, taking into account the latest developments, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the risks of different probability of occurrence and severity for your rights and freedoms.

8.3. The processing of your personal data is carried out solely by authorized for this purpose personnel of the Company, who are bound by strict obligations to maintain their confidentiality.


9.1. We retain your personal data for as long as the purposes for which they were collected and mentioned above remain in force.

9.2. Our Company may retain your personal data even after the fulfillment of the purposes of their collection and processing in the following restrictively mentioned cases:

If there is a legal obligation for us by a relevant provision of law.

For use before tax and social security authorities as well as any other supervisory authority within the framework of the statutory limitation period.

If required for the operation and organization of our Business provided that pseudonymization of your data takes place.

To defend our rights and legitimate interests before any competent Court and any other public authority.

9.3. After the end of the retention period, your personal data is destroyed from our records and system in compliance with our business policy and provided that their retention is no longer required to fulfill the purposes we have described to you above.


10.1. As data subjects you have the right to request and receive access, information, and a copy of your personal data, which we collect and process. If you would like a copy of part or all of your personal data, please contact us at the details of our Company that we list in the relevant chapter hereof.

10.2. We further inform you that you have the ability at any time to exercise your rights under the terms and conditions of the law, as they result from the GDPR regarding the correction, deletion and portability of your personal data as well as to limit and object to their processing,

10.3. The above requests are addressed in writing by postal letter to the headquarters of our Company.

Our Company will respond to your every request within one month of receipt. Upon your information, this deadline may be extended by a further two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity of the request and the number of requests. Any rejection of your request will take place in a reasoned manner.

10.4. If your requests do not meet the requirements of the law, our Company reserves the right to either: (a) impose a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs for the provision of information or the announcement or execution of the requested action, or (b) refuse to follow up on your relevant request.

10.5. If there are doubts about the identity of the natural person submitting the request, we reserve the right to request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm his identity.

10.6. If your rights are violated, we inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Authority or another competent supervisory authority.


11.1. By using the Website as well as when providing your personal data with your consent, you acknowledge that you have the obligation to state the actual, accurate and complete information requested by our Company. Furthermore, you must inform our Company of any changes to this information, in order for them to remain up-to-date and accurate.

11.2. If it is found that you are not complying with your above obligations or if our Company has reasonable suspicions that the information you provide is false or incomplete or in any way contradicts the law or the Terms of Use or this Data Protection Policy, we reserve the right to reject your application for registration or to suspend or terminate your account immediately without notice. 

In this case, you have no right to any compensation due to the rejection of your application, or the suspension or termination of your account.

11.3. You acknowledge that our Company may delete, cross-check, supplement or modify the information you provide based on information lawfully provided by third parties. In this case, our Company will inform you accordingly, following the legal procedure.

11.4. By using the Website you certify that you are over the age of sixteen (16). If you are under the age of sixteen (16) you have the obligation to refrain from any use of the Website as well as from any provision of your personal data without the approval of the person who exercises your parental responsibility. If you do not comply with the above obligations, you must immediately make a relevant notification to our company. 

In any case, by using the Website you acknowledge that our Company is not responsible for the violation of the above obligations on your part to the extent that it does not have the ability, even if it makes reasonable efforts, to verify your age or for the consent of your holder of parental responsibility.


12.1. Our Website works with cookies. For more information please visit our relevant website regarding our use of cookies [hyperlink].


13.1. For the resolution of any dispute arising between our Company and users of the Website regarding this data protection policy and its subject matter, the courts of Athens are competent and greek law is applicable, without taking into account the rules of its conflict.

13.2. In the event that a provision of this policy is annulled by a decision of a competent court as unlawful, valid and enforceable, this fact shall not affect the remainder of its provisions, which shall remain in force and shall be properly enforced.14.


4.1. The services of the Website [sepia-collection.com] are provided by the company with the distinctive title “[COMPANY NAME]. The details of our Company are as follows:





VAT number : 056297793


14.2. For any further information or request regarding this data protection policy you can contact our representative at the following information:


email: [email protected]
