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This website is provided by YOUR COMPANY NAME
Please read the following terms carefully before deciding to use our website.
Prerequisite is that you have reached the age of sixteen (16) or that you have the consent of your parent or legal guardian.
Its use indicates your willingness to abide by the following terms.
These terms only apply to the use of the website, have been drafted and interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Greek law, any dispute between them falls within the jurisdiction of the courts.

These terms are considered acceptable by the customer when using the website and when executing an order.
The management and protection of personal data of the user of the services of preludeshop.gr is subject to the terms of this section as well as the relevant provisions of Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997 for the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Law 2819/2000 as well as Law 2774/1999 and European law (directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC).

These terms are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology and in particular the Internet and the existing although not fully developed set of legal regulations on these issues. In this context, any relevant arrangements will be the subject of this section.
In any case, preludeshop.gr reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users and within the existing or possible legal framework.

If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided herein must not use the services of preludeshop.gr
The new framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union (GDPR) is co-formed by 1 new Directive and a Regulation, while the amendment of another directive on the protection of privacy in electronic communications is imminent.

It should be noted that regulations are binding legislation and their implementation is mandatory in all EU countries.

a. Regulation 2016/679, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation.
b. Directive 2016/680, on the protection of individuals against the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purpose of preventing, investigating, detecting or prosecuting criminal offenses or the execution of criminal sanctions and on the free movement of such data

Terms of use

Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store of the company “preludeshop.gr – Moraiti Niki”, located at preludeshop.gr.
These terms are considered acceptable by the customer when using the website and when executing an order.

1) Online shopping
2) Secure Transactions
3) Personal Data
4) Limitation of liability
5) Intellectual property
6) Price list
7) Availability
8) Returns due to incorrect order
9) Order cancellation
10) Warranty
11) Payment methods and bank accounts
12) Transportation and Deliveries
13) Transportation costs
14) Order delay

1) Online shopping

In the case of online purchases, by confirming your order form, you declare your binding action of purchase interest of the selected products. The purchase of a product has legal force with the payment of the corresponding price by the customer.

2) Secure Transactions

We want your every purchase or transaction through www. preludeshop.gr, to be absolutely sure, trustworthy, and above all to know that all your personal data (Credit Card and others) are completely secure.
For this reason we have chosen to make banking transactions via credit cards or DIRECTLY on the website of PAYPAL with which we cooperate, so that we can not intervene in the whole process or in the Safe environment of the National Bank.
Our Website uses the SSL protocol during your credit card payment, as you are transferred to the website of the partner bank, for secure online transactions.

This encrypts all of your personal information, such as your credit card number, so that it cannot be read or altered when transferred over the Internet.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is now the global Internet standard for certifying websites to network users.
and for encrypting data between network users and web servers.

An encrypted SSL communication requires that all information sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus protecting personal information when transmitted.
In addition, all information sent over the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically detects whether the data has been processed during the transfer.
This achieves the highest possible degree of security.

3) Personal Data

Our company collects your personal data
a) In case of order
b) In case of registration on our website for member login
This information is: Name, Address, Telephone and E-mail.
These are used exclusively for your best service and proper delivery of your purchases.
Our company undertakes not to sell or rent this data to third parties in any case. Their use will always be in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.

All your data is stored on servers that have Passwords and all the necessary protection systems.
The data related to the banking transactions (cards) / purchases through our website that are made directly on the website www.paypal.com, where we are not allowed to
access to your data. In this case the sole responsibility is the PAYPAL with which the transaction is made.

Preludeshop.gr ensures compliance with the principles of Personal Data Protection when using the services of this website regarding e-commerce and distance selling, in agreement and compliance with international, European and domestic Greek law and in particular with provisions of Law 2251/1994 on consumer protection, Directive 2000/31 / EC and Presidential Decree 131/2003 on electronic commerce, as well as Law 2472/1997 on the protection of the individual and personal data such as has been supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000
and article 8 of Law 2819/2000 and the directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC.

Regulation 2016/679 and Directive 2016/680.

The personal data that you declare in preludeshop.gr are used exclusively by it and the companies cooperating with it, in order to promote and execute the transaction relationship, also it is not allowed to be used by any third party, without observing the provisions of Law 2472/97 on the protection against the processing of personal data, as it stands at all times.
Preludeshop.gr operates in accordance with applicable law. Your personal information is kept secure for as long as you are registered as a member of the online store and is deleted if requested by you.

In case our database is violated and your personal data is stolen or destroyed, we will inform you within 72 hours in writing as well as the Independent Personal Data Protection Authority. You can use our website at the bottom of the main page in the GDPR Tools Category to process your personal data, change your password, your Personal Information, your saved addresses as well as your Orders.
You can request a Report on your personal data through our form as well as request the deletion of it.


The customer is obliged to register as a member or as a visitor in the online store of preludeshop.gr by accurately filling in the information required by the relevant form, in order to be able to make the purchases he wishes.
The customer is obliged to indicate an address (home or work) for the delivery of the order, which will take place in working days and hours.

In case the shipping address of the order is declared incorrect, the responsibility lies solely with the customer.
The customer is forbidden to resell the products he buys. Each product sale is intended for the exclusive use of the customer or for the exclusive use of the person in whose name the delivery is made. In the latter case the customer guarantees the acceptance of the present terms by the end user of the product.

The customer recognizes that the color rendering can deviate from reality in levels of shades and tones, as they are rendered by electronic machines, the settings of which are influenced by many parameters and are defined by the capabilities of each machine and the individual user.
The customer has the right to change products of equal value, if they have not been used or processed, within 14 calendar days of receipt, assuming the shipping costs for the return of the products to the company and informing it of the new products it wishes, if they they are available. The customer has the right to withdraw, if the packaging of the product has not been opened, within 14 calendar days of receipt, returning the product at its own expense to its original condition.


Preludeshop.gr collects personal data:
• when the visitor / user subscribes to his services
When using its products and / or services and
• when he visits his pages and / or enters his promotional / advertising programs.
Preludeshop.gr uses the personal data of visitors / users / members for three general reasons:
• informative support of its customers / users and the selection of the content it offers them, so that it is relevant to their general preferences

• the satisfaction of the respective requirements of its customers / users regarding the services and products available from and through Preludeshop.gr.
• informing them about new offers of services and products.
Preludeshop.gr does not store in the database it uses and in any way the financial data of its customers (credit card details, bank accounts).


Preludeshop.gr undertakes not to sell, rent or in any way publish and / or disclose the personal data of visitors / users / members of preludeshop.gr to any third party, unless:
• Has the explicit consent of visitors / users / members to channel personal data

• The channeling of personal data to legal and / or natural persons who cooperate with preludeshop.gr becomes necessary for the implementation of the wishes and / or orders of users / members. The legal and natural persons that cooperate with preludeshop.gr have the right to process the personal data that the users / members of Preludeshop.gr submit to it only to the extent that is absolutely necessary for the provision of support to preludeshop.gr.
• It is required due to compliance with the relevant provisions of the law and to the competent authorities only.


Preludeshop.gr may use cookies to identify the visitor / user of certain services and pages of preludeshop.gr. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each visitor / user and do not receive knowledge of any document or file from his computer. They are used only to facilitate the access of the visitor / user to specific services of preludeshop.gr and for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the services of preludeshop.gr are useful or popular or for marketing purposes.The visitor / user of preludeshop.gr can configure his server (browser) in such a way that either warns him about the use of cookies in specific services of preludeshop.gr, or does not allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in any case . In case the visitor / user of the specific services and pages of preludeshop.gr does not wish the use of cookies for his / her identification, he / she cannot have further access to these services.

Preludeshop.gr uses Google Analytics or similar tools in order to obtain information about trends related to user interactions with our site, for system management purposes, to identify problems and improve the site. Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to report visitor interactions.These cookies are used to store non-personally identifiable information, such as the time at which the visit took place, the visitor’s previous visit to the site, and the website that referred the visitor to the website. For more information about Google Analytics and links to the Google Privacy Policy, as well as an opt-out tool for Google Analytics, go to http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/ privacyoverview.html.

Preludeshop.gr may include links (“links”) to other websites which are not controlled by the same but by third parties (natural or legal persons). In no case is preludeshop.gr responsible for the Terms of Protection of the Personal Data of the visitors / users that these bodies follow.

The IP address through which the visitor / user’s PC has access to the Internet and then to preludeshop.gr is kept for technical reasons and is used exclusively for the collection of statistics and the application of security valves.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the services of preludeshop.gr is subject to the terms of this section as well as to the relevant provisions of Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997 for the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data as it is supplemented by the decisions of the Chairman of the Committee for Personal Data Protection, PD 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Law 2819/2000 as well as Law 2774/1999 and European law (directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC).

Regulation 2016/679 and Directive 2016/680 (GDPR).

These terms are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology and in particular the Internet and the existing – albeit underdeveloped – set of legal regulations on these issues. In this context, any relevant arrangements will be the subject of this section.In any case, preludeshop.gr reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data after informing the visitors / users and within the existing or possible legal framework. If a visitor / user does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided herein must not use the services of preludeshop.gr.

4) Limitation of liability

Despite the frequent updates and corrections in the descriptions of our products, due to the abundance of information, which is given to us exclusively by our suppliers, any errors may exist either in them or in their technical characteristics. The company “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr” bears no responsibility in case of such mistakes. In any case, the descriptions and technical information are helpful and are not considered binding. For this reason, before each purchase, your order is checked by one of our specialized partners in order to avoid any omissions and errors.

If you notice anything that could correct a description please contact us at [email protected]
The company “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr” can not provide any guarantee for the availability of products, but guarantees your timely information for any non-availability.

Our online store is not responsible for technical problems that may occur to users when attempting to access our website. Also the company “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr” bears no responsibility in case of manufacturing defects of the products as well as omissions in information, technical specifications and instructions for use that accompany the products.
The descriptions, information, photos and logos that appear on our website are available solely for the best guidance of the user within it.

5) Intellectual property

The website preludeshop.gr is the official website of “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr”.
All content of the websites, posted by “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr”, including images, texts and products are the intellectual property of “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr” and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.

No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, for commercial or other purposes.

It is allowed only in case a special written license has been given by the company “NIKI MORAITI – preludeshop.gr”.
The descriptions, information, photos and logos that appear on our website are solely for the better guidance of the user within it.

All logos presented on our website are the property of the company they represent. In any case, their appearance and display on our websites should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

6) Price list

Prices are checked almost daily by our store. However, due to the many factors that determine them, changes in them occur quite often.
Adjustments to the price list can be made at any time without our prior notice.
In any case, the prices are binding on the part of our company when confirming an order on our part
Prices are in Euros and include VAT 24%.

7) Availability

Most of our products are ready to be delivered to our store.
We strive to ensure prompt delivery to customers in all our items.
Due to the large quantity of our products, which is constantly changing and increasing, in some cases there is a problem of availability, either due to high demand or due to untimely delivery by our suppliers.
In case a product is not immediately available, we inform you and immediately give you alternative solutions.

8) Returns due to incorrect order

Returns are accepted due to incorrect order within 14 days of receipt and only for replacement with another similar product.
All transportation costs are borne exclusively by the buyer.

The product should never have been used.
The packaging should be kept in excellent condition.
Otherwise our company may refuse to return the product. Shipping costs are borne exclusively by the buyer.
Our store should be informed immediately before any action.
In case of our mistake, all costs are borne exclusively by our company.

9) Order cancellation.

The order can be canceled in the following cases:
1) Before the order is completed, during the electronic order process you can CANCEL and remove the quantities of products from your cart by clicking the “DELETE” button.

2) If the online order has been completed but the product has not been shipped yet, you can call us at 2114098544 and cancel your order. In case your product is a special order product, which in turn we have already ordered from our supplier, the order can not be canceled and any deposit or even the amount of its full payment can be returned.

10) Warranty

All our items are covered exclusively by the guarantee, the terms and the time given by their respective manufacturing factory and which do not bind our company in any case.

In any case, our objective is the immediate, correct service and satisfaction of our customer.
For this reason, the first priority will be the immediate solution of any problem that arises.
Proof of purchase or Invoice and intact packaging is required.
All our items are checked before shipment for any damage

In the event of a problem during the warranty period, contact our store immediately so that we can inform you about the required procedure.
The usual process is to send the product to our supplier, evaluation and immediate response to you.
The warranty covers only damages due to the product itself, only due to its malfunction, and not damages caused by an external factor, or due to its misuse, or due to use other than the one for which it was made.

The guarantee does not cover cases of damage caused during the transport of the products. The transfer is the sole responsibility of the buyer and is governed by the terms of each carrier.
We are not responsible for delays in the evaluation and provision of service by the factory representatives. For Preludeshop products that are under Warranty the procedure required is very simple. You can consult our company on how to send them to Preludeshop.gr either by phone or via email.

11) Payment methods

1) With all the CREDIT / DEBIT / PREPAID cards VISA, MASTERCARD and in the safe system of the National Bank.
2) With Vivawallet
3) Cash on delivery
4) With a bank account
Upon delivery of the product, payment is made.
This possibility is given only when the transfer is made with the company Speedex

12) Transportation and Deliveries

Delivery of our products after availability confirmation is immediate.

You can pick up the products as follows:

A) By Courier
(Normal delivery takes place the next working day of the order).
Our company has entered into a special pricing agreement with Speedex.
B) By Elta (Greek Post) (Valid for shipments abroad)
The collection is made by you at the nearest Post Office in your area.

13) Transportation costs

Shipping costs are not included in the price of the products.
A) With Speedex Courier: The shipping cost is stated in the purchase invoice of the products or the retail sales receipt and is paid with the total price.
B) By Elta Post: The shipping cost is stated in the Invoice for the purchase of the products or the receipt of the retail sale and is paid with the total price.

We take no responsibility for
A) delays due to the carrier. The transportation of the products in each case is the responsibility of the buyer and they travel at his sole risk. In case of damage during transport, the company “NIKI MORAITI – Preludeshop.gr” bears no responsibility
B) delays due to force majeure.

14) Order delay

The order may be delayed for the following reasons:
1) The product has been delayed to be shipped by our supplier. There are cases of longer delay than normal delivery by our supplier for various reasons. In any case, we will contact you to inform you and suggest an alternative. In case you do not agree with an alternative, we cancel the order and refund in case it has already been paid.

2) The product you ordered has been removed or is not available: In the thousands of products we have in our online store, there are rare cases where our suppliers suddenly and unannounced announce that they stop production, or cancel them, or delay their delivery .

In this case, an employee of our company will contact you directly to give you all the alternatives.
3) In case it is impossible to contact you by phone and / or by e-mail. Each order is confirmed by phone and / or via email (email) of your order, details and any clarifications.
4) In extreme weather events, in strikes
